Welcome To The DarkSky Pakistan Website!

Learn how Pakistan is battling light pollution and how you can make a difference too!

What Is Light Pollution?

Light pollution disrupts natural ecosystems, impacts human health, wastes resources, and obscures our view of the cosmos. It alters wildlife behavior, disturbs sleep patterns, contributes to climate change, and hampers astronomical observation. Addressing this issue requires a collective shift toward responsible lighting practices to protect both nature and our connection to the night sky.


The image above portrays the potential beauty of an unpolluted night sky, offering a glimpse of what our celestial canvas could look like without the intrusion of light pollution.

The radiant glow of Kaihua's light pollution eclipses the once-stunning night vistas over Taihui Mountain, Zhejiang province, March 27, 2017. Image courtesy of Dai Jianfeng.

What Can We Do About Light Pollution?

Adopting responsible lighting practices, advocating for dark sky friendly legislation, and driving scientific research represent pivotal steps in combating light pollution. Your participation matters! Join us in making a difference.

What Is Light Pollution?

Light pollution disrupts natural ecosystems, impacts human health, wastes resources, and obscures our view of the cosmos. It alters wildlife behavior, disturbs sleep patterns, contributes to climate change, and hampers astronomical observation. Addressing this issue requires a collective shift toward responsible lighting practices to protect both nature and our connection to the night sky.


What Can We Do About Light Pollution?

Adopting responsible lighting practices, advocating for dark sky friendly legislation, and driving scientific research represent pivotal steps in combating light pollution. Your participation matters! Join us in making a difference.

The radiant glow of Kaihua's light pollution eclipses the once-stunning night vistas over Taihui Mountain, Zhejiang province, March 27, 2017. Image courtesy of Dai Jianfeng.

How You Can Join Hands In Fulfilling Our Mission

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Explore the answers to commonly asked questions about DarkSky's mission, initiatives, membership, and ways to get involved.

What is light pollution?

Light pollution is the intrusion of human-generated illumination that disrupts the serenity of natural darkness in outdoor settings. It’s the encroachment of artificial light into spaces where the beauty and tranquility of darkness ought to hold sway, altering the natural balance and rhythm of night environments.

How do you measure light pollution?

Measuring nighttime sky brightness is a crucial facet of scientific research on light pollution and its impacts. This initiative spans from major institutions like NASA and universities to community-driven efforts accessible via smartphone apps, enabling everyone to participate.

Can I visit a Dark Sky Place?

Yes! All of our International Dark Sky Places guarantee regular nighttime public access so that visitors may enjoy a quality nighttime experience. International Dark Sky Places all over the world are maintained by third parties (not us), but you can find information about visiting one near you in our Dark Sky Places section.

What does my membership support?

By becoming a member or donating, you directly aid our efforts in safeguarding the night from light pollution. Additionally, we promote responsible outdoor lighting that enhances beauty, functionality, and well-being. Explore our annual financial report in the 'About' section for further insight.

How long will my membership be valid?

Your DarkSky membership lasts for a year, and we'll remind you to renew on your anniversary. Join us in special fundraising events throughout the year to support impactful global programs and activities. Your support means the world to us!

Can I donate photos or videos to DarkSky?

We're thrilled by the creative ways our supporters contribute! Whether you're a photographer, videographer, or creator of any kind, consider donating your work to share with our global audience. Our team is working on a program to formally recognize and showcase these contributions.

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Light Pollution

Light Pollution In Pakistan

Measuring Light Pollution


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