
Data collection: Collect data on the brightness of the night sky in magnitudes per square arcsecond using the Sky Quality Meter-L. Record the location, date, and time of each measurement, and note any changes to the environment that may affect the measurements (such as the presence of clouds, the phase of the moon, or nearby light sources).

Reporting: Submit monthly reports to the grant committee detailing your data collection efforts and any notable findings. Be sure to include any challenges or unexpected events that may have affected your measurements.

Outreach: Share your findings with the wider community through presentations, blog posts, or social media. Consider partnering with local astronomy clubs or science organizations to share your data and promote awareness of light pollution.

Calibration: Ensure that the Sky Quality Meter-L is calibrated regularly using a known light source. Record the calibration process and results in your data collection records.

Protection: Protect the Sky Quality Meter-L from damage by using the provided carrying case and storing it in a safe location when not in use. Follow all safety precautions when using the meter, including avoiding looking directly at the sun.

Maintenance: Keep the Sky Quality Meter-L clean and free of debris, and replace the battery as needed. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and care.

By following these guidelines, you will be able to make the most of your Sky Quality Meter-L grant and contribute valuable data to the study of light pollution. Good luck!

Eligibility Criteria

Data collection: Collect data on the brightness of the night sky in magnitudes per square arcsecond using the Sky Quality Meter-L. Record the location, date, and time of each measurement, and note any changes to the environment that may affect the measurements (such as the presence of clouds, the phase of the moon, or nearby light sources).

Reporting: Submit monthly reports to the grant committee detailing your data collection efforts and any notable findings. Be sure to include any challenges or unexpected events that may have affected your measurements.

Outreach: Share your findings with the wider community through presentations, blog posts, or social media. Consider partnering with local astronomy clubs or science organizations to share your data and promote awareness of light pollution.

Calibration: Ensure that the Sky Quality Meter-L is calibrated regularly using a known light source. Record the calibration process and results in your data collection records.

Protection: Protect the Sky Quality Meter-L from damage by using the provided carrying case and storing it in a safe location when not in use. Follow all safety precautions when using the meter, including avoiding looking directly at the sun.

Maintenance: Keep the Sky Quality Meter-L clean and free of debris, and replace the battery as needed. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and care.

By following these guidelines, you will be able to make the most of your Sky Quality Meter-L grant and contribute valuable data to the study of light pollution. Good luck!

DarkSky is a recognized worldwide authority combatting light pollution.

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