
Light pollution is a growing problem all over the world, including Pakistan. It not only affects the visibility of the night sky but also has a significant impact on the environment, human health, and wildlife. To combat this issue, we propose to provide 6 Sky Quality Meters (SQM) in Pakistan to individuals and organizations actively working on dark sky protection efforts.

The Sky Quality Meter - L is an affordable and portable device that measures the brightness of the night sky in magnitudes per square arcsecond. It has unprecedented sensitivity and precision, making it an ideal tool for monitoring and documenting the evolution of light pollution in an area.


Light pollution is a growing problem all over the world, including Pakistan. It not only affects the visibility of the night sky but also has a significant impact on the environment, human health, and wildlife. To combat this issue, we propose to provide 6 Sky Quality Meters (SQM) in Pakistan to individuals and organizations actively working on dark sky protection efforts.

The Sky Quality Meter - L is an affordable and portable device that measures the brightness of the night sky in magnitudes per square arcsecond. It has unprecedented sensitivity and precision, making it an ideal tool for monitoring and documenting the evolution of light pollution in an area.

DarkSky is a recognized worldwide authority combatting light pollution.

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