Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria for SQM Recipients:

1. Relevant experience: Individuals or organizations applying for the SQMs must have relevant experience in dark sky protection, light pollution monitoring, or astronomy. They should have a demonstrated understanding of the importance of preserving the night sky and the impacts of light pollution.

2. Plan of action: Applicants must submit a clear plan of action for how they will use the SQMs, including details on the areas they will monitor, the frequency of measurements, and how they will report the data collected.

3.Track record: Individuals or organizations with a proven track record of working towards dark sky protection and promoting public awareness of light pollution issues will be given priority.

4. Geographic diversity: We aim to distribute the SQMs across different regions of Pakistan to ensure geographic diversity. Priority will be given to applicants from areas that have not yet been well-studied or have the darkest skies.

5. Capacity and commitment: Applicants must demonstrate that they have the capacity to manage and maintain the SQMs and commit to providing regular updates on the data collected.

6. Collaboration: Individuals or organizations that are willing to collaborate and share data with other SQM recipients in Pakistan will be given preference. We encourage collaboration and cooperation among all SQM recipients to enhance the effectiveness of the project.

DarkSky is a recognized worldwide authority combatting light pollution.

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