The "Sky Quality Meter - L" measures the brightness of the night sky in magnitudes per square arcsecond. Unprecedented sensitivity in a handheld meter! Designed by Dr. Doug Welch and Anthony Tekatch

• Find out how good the night or site REALLY is.

• Compare the sky brightness at different sites quantitatively.

• Document the evolution of light pollution in your area.

• Set planetarium dome illumination to mimic the skies people are likely to experience elsewhere in the city.

• Monitor sky brightness through the night, night-to-night, and year-to-year.

• Determine which nights show the greatest promise for finding the 'faintest fuzzies'!

• Calibrate the effect of sky brightness on qualitative measures such as the Bortle Scale.

• Investigate how sky brightness correlates with the solar cycle and month-to-month sunspot activity.

• Help provide local ground truth for future sky brightness prediction with the Clear Sky Clock.

• CCD users can make a correlation between the SQM reading and when the background reaches some ADC level.


The "Sky Quality Meter - L" measures the brightness of the night sky in magnitudes per square arcsecond. Unprecedented sensitivity in a handheld meter! Designed by Dr. Doug Welch and Anthony Tekatch

• Find out how good the night or site REALLY is.

• Compare the sky brightness at different sites quantitatively.

• Document the evolution of light pollution in your area.

• Set planetarium dome illumination to mimic the skies people are likely to experience elsewhere in the city.

• Monitor sky brightness through the night, night-to-night, and year-to-year.

• Determine which nights show the greatest promise for finding the 'faintest fuzzies'!

• Calibrate the effect of sky brightness on qualitative measures such as the Bortle Scale.

• Investigate how sky brightness correlates with the solar cycle and month-to-month sunspot activity.

• Help provide local ground truth for future sky brightness prediction with the Clear Sky Clock.

• CCD users can make a correlation between the SQM reading and when the background reaches some ADC level.

DarkSky is a recognized worldwide authority combatting light pollution.

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